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Social Services

Yan Chai Hospital Lei Muk Shue Rainbow Court


Year of Establishment: 2009



The Service provides home living for persons with a severe mental/physical disability who are unlikely to benefit from a regular day training placement.  They are in need of nursing and intensive personal care but not yet require infirmary care.



Target Service User:

  • severely mentally handicapped or severely physically handicapped persons;
  • aged 15 or above;
  • unfit for day training placement;
  • in need of intensive personal care, such as assistance in dressing, toileting and meals; and
  • not being bed-ridden or requiring substantial medical/nursing care.
  • without infectious disease and severe disturbing behavior.



Bedrooms, Dining room, Physical therapy room, Occupational therapy room, Multi-sensory training room, and etc.

Yan Chai Hospital Lei Muk Shue Rainbow Court

Tel. : 2410 0201
Fax : 2410 1312
Address : G/F(part) and 4/F., Hong Shue House, Lei Muk Shue Estate, Tsuen Wan, N.T.
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