‘When I was 20, I got lymphoma.’ Mr. Leung had flashbacks to that decease a decade ago. It was painful. It was full of tears. But fear never conquered him. After a series of treatments, he finally defeated the cancer. Nonetheless, another devil was lurking after him…
‘When I was recovering from lymphoma, I was determined to help others like me. That’s why I stumbled into caring and rehabilitation services to take care of the patients. Later my work was recognized by my seniors who recommended me to study for a nursing programme.’ When he thought his life was getting better, not only with a stable job but also with a girlfriend he would soon marry, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
‘Having got back on my feet, I spent my time meaningfully with studies and work. Lamentably, barely could I catch up with my school work for my memory loss subsequent to chemotherapy. I dropped out of school soon afterwards. Although the tumor removal operation bailed me out of death, the hearing on my left ear and the perception of half of my face were also gone.’ He was completely torn by cancer and lost his job lastly.
‘While I used up all my savings, the Yan Chai Emergency Assistance Relief Fund tided me over this dilemma. I will put the spirit of helping others to good use and dedicate myself to the service of helpless patients after I recuperate.’ Mr. Leung mentioned that his conditions were just a phase and that we should never give up or give in for every cloud has a silver lining.