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Fundraising for Yan Chai Hospital

One Heart for Humanity Sponsorship Programme

one heart

Please show support to the One Heart for Humanity Sponsorship Programme for Yan Chai Hospital to provide quality services in medical, social, and education services as well as charitable fund. Your kind donation will be used to purchase designated medical equipment or education facilities.  You donation will provide a direct benefit to ones who in need and your name will be inscribed on the donated items for the appreciation. 

We can only provide complete and punctilious services with your generous support.

List of the medical equipment and education facilities (Updated as at February 2025)


  • Inscribed your name to the donated medical equipment or education facilities
  • Appreciation will be published in the Yan Chai Hospital Annual Report (with donation exceeding HK$5,000)


Donation Method

Donations can be made with the following donation link, please select One Heart for Humanity Sponsorship Programme and fill in the instrument or equipment number in the box, and follow the instruction to complete the remaining donation process. Donors will be contacted by our designated staff after receiving the information.


Corporate Communications Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Tel: 3467 2101